How To Play Pc Games On Mac Bootcamp Pc
Did you download the latest drivers!?
Also, if you want to install or run any Windows-only games, you will have to use the Steam for Windows application. Because of this, you will have to switch between your primary Steam for Mac application and your new Steam for Windows application depending on if the game you want to play is for Mac. Free Up some Disk Space and Clean Up System Clutter. One of the best ways to keep your Mac in. With the likes of the hugely popular HTC Vive and Oculus Rift now available to buy around the world, many Mac users are wondering if you can use VR on a Mac and if so, how.
Boot up in Mac, spotlight boot camp assistant and check 'Download Latest Windows Support Software from Apple'
Select the desired location or save it to your flash drive. After download is completed, boot up in windows and in the flash drive, open setup.exe (setup64.exe in case you installed 64bit version)
How To Download Pc Games
It will take few minutes to install all the drivers, and after a restart, try running the game, it should work pretty well!
Windows To Mac Bootcamp
This should solve your question 🙂
How To Play Pc Games On Mac Bootcamp Windows 10
Jun 24, 2012 8:17 PM